One of the main things people in this part of the country say is…"everyone has a Subaru and a dog". This is mostly true…but it isn't EVERYONE! For me example, I have a Subaru and no dog. Other people don't have Subaru's and do have a dog. In fact, I have been amazed at the amount of cars that look like they would be entirely inept in the winter climate that is about to start dumping upon us in a few short weeks. But, I'm sure these people know what they are doing far more than I.
Let's talk about the dogs here in Bozeman. Friendly but not overwhelmingly so (they will walk up to you and brush against you, but will never try for a lick or nuzzle the first time you meet. Respect!) Well-trained (they come running back to their owners whenever there name is called…and of course they are all off-leash). Beautiful (some look like they are straight out of a marble slab!) Happy (85% run around while off leash with a prized possession they just found…a STICK! It is absolutely adorable). Lastly, they don't feel the need to verbally communicate with humans (they seem to understand that we aren't intelligent enough to understand them, so they don't bother). I have been barked at by one dog, it barks at me once as I run by it's property and just stares me down the rest of the way. JUST ONE BARK! Coming from Keena that is the most incredible feat of any dog ever!
Clearly this is a magical land where dogs aren't just dogs, but best friends, family members, and protectors. One day I will have a Subaru and a dog… but that day is not quite yet on the horizon.
Let's hope you never have a Subaru that IS a dog.